Michele Amy

Michele (B.Ed) is a community builder who is passionate about the arts…

 As traditional fiddler and pianist, (In pre-Covid times) Michele has often organized and performed at community dances, taught workshops and trained and mentored teachers. 

Although she no longer teaches private students, Michele directs wanna-be players with excellent teachers. 

She has published a fiddle curriculum methodology titled “Just Fiddling Around” which is used widely across Canada. 

Michele is the Artistic Director of the non-profit organization “Kitchen Party Music” and is the creator and organizer of the Kenosee Lake Kitchen Party

She dabbles in Art creation and writing, and loves getting messy in her pottery studio. 


Mailing Address: Box 121, Forget, SK, S0C 0X0

Email: michele.amy@sasktel.net

Physical Address: The Big Red House on Main St. (#352)